GRIDS identifies the importance of bundled services for worldwide commerce, business and financial sectors that require KYC – Know Your Customer guidelines and identifies the service receiver through an internationally accepted eIDAS eID system.
As a result, part of the project focuses on existing services, whose addressable market is really large and will have a significant growth, especially due to the Covid pandemic period.
Deliverable “D4.4 – API eShop Development Report” is related to Activity 4, in particular deliverable 4.3[1], “APIs Development and Deployment” of the GRIDS project (increasinG tRust with eId for Developing buSiness).
The goal of this deliverable is to provide an update on the status of the eShop, which will include the SDK, code samples and other artefacts that will allow end-users to connect to GRIDS service offerings. These will be made available through a public readable gitlab repository.